More Engagement. More Data. More Business.

Pointricity is a behavioural loyalty program made especially for your business. Pointricity allows you, to reward customers, employees or clients for any action that leads to revenue growth. Whether that’s visiting your location, attending a product demo or going above and beyond to help your business growth, Pointricity can help you reward positive actions.

In short, with Pointricity you can REWARD ACTIONS that LEAD TO REVENUE!

This is the ‘New SWAG’!

It’s sustainable. It’s data driven. It’s innovative.

Once you register for Pointricity, you are in control. You are able to reward customers for engaging with you and your product or even reward employees for going above and beyond. This will help your business grow and allow you to gather valuable insights.

It’s simple. You create a promotion and you decide how many points you want to reward to the customer each time that an action is completed. That could be something simple like a booth visit, or you could reward attendees when they book a follow up meeting or even if they buy your product or service.

Once you decide the ACTION you decide how many points to reward for the action. For each point you reward you will be charged $1 per point. For example, if you want to reward 5 points every time someone visits your location, your credit card will automatically be charged $5 each reward (5 points X $1 =$5). Have a spending limit? No worries, we have you covered. For each promotion you can set a budget, meaning you will never go over your planned budget.

The great thing about Pointricity is not only can you promote positive behaviour, but each time you reward an attendee points you gather valuable contact information about that lead which you can leverage to build your business. You reward positive behaviour that generates sales AND gain valuable lead data. All on a single platform!

When Customers collect these points from you they can redeem the points for free stuff like gift cards, electronics, apparel and even trips! Best part is Pointricity takes care of all the fulfillment and shipping of the prizes. You don’t have to worry about anything! It truly is the ‘New SWAG’!

It’s Easy To Get Set Up On Pointricity

How To Register As A Pointricity Partner

How To Set Up A Pointricity Partner Account

How To Create A Pointricity Promotion

How To Create A Pointricity Promotion

How To Add A Representative To Your Promotion/Account

How To Reward Points To An Attendee

Need Some Ideas?

We completely understand this is a new idea and will take some time to get your head around. It’s okay, we want to help. Below are a few ideas you could use as promotions to jump start your 2024 show!

Location Visit

Reward attendees 5 points for visiting your location


Get foot traffic

Build a lead list for future marketing

Get exposure for your product or service

Product Demo

Reward attendees 10 points for viewing your product or service (whether in person or via video)


Get exposure for your product or service

Build a qualified lead list for future marketing

Follow Up Meeting

Reward attendees 10 points for booking and attending a follow up meeting


Continue the engagement with the attendee after the meeting

Continue the sales cycle towards purchase

Refer A Friend

Reward attendees 15 points if they bring refer a friend to your business


Increase brand awareness

Leverage the most effective method of advertising, word-of-mouth

Add to your marketing lead list

Sign A Deal

Close the deal and reward attendees 50 points if they sign the deal ASAP.


Closed sales and revenue!

Build your client list

Create buzz for future possible sales

Take A Selfie

Reward attendees 10 points if they take a ‘selfie’ in front of your booth and post it to their social media feed


Viral promotion of your brand

Create a visual buzz at your booth