Pointricity For Sales

Trouble getting a sales appointment?
Need an audience for a demo?
Want to build profitable relationships?
Then use Pointricity to sell more!
Break Through And Sell More

Always Get The Meeting
Trying to get that potential client to pick up the phone or return your email? Are your cold calls…. well, going cold?
Improve your conversion rate with Pointricity. Offer potential clients points for taking your meeting. Even better offer additional points if they meet with you face to face!
Use Pointricity to grow your sales funnel and improve conversion. You get the meeting and your clients get rewarded, because they met with you!
Get An Audience For Your Demo
You know you have a great product or service, if only you could just get the demo in front of the potential client.
Good news, Pointricity can help you here as well. Reward potential customers with points for attending your product or service demo, getting you closer to the deal.
The great news is that Pointricity is flexible enough to handle in-person or virtual demos. You can reward a few individuals or do demos to large groups. Pointricity helps you close the deal.

Foster A Strong Relationship
It’s not just about the sale, keeping an on-going relationship with your clients allows you to generate on-going sales.
Use Pointricity to keep your clients engaged, creating a profitable relationship. Meaning you can reach your sales goals year after year.
Reward clients points for having regular meetings, referring you to others or even signing up for your newsletter. Use Pointricity to help you sell, more.
Interested? Want To Learn More?
Pointricity can help you and your team sell more. We’d be more than happy to discuss how Pointricity can help you meet your sales goals. Feel free to reach out to us and we will work with you to put together a program that will help you improve your sales funnel. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you right away. Best part? It’s absolutely free!
Wait, There Is So Much More
So how much does Pointricity cost? $1 (plus HST) per point you award. That’s it. No admin fees, No set up fees. $1, that’s it. You decide how many points you reward per promotion and you can even put a limit on each promotion so you don’t go over your budget. But wait, you get so much more for your dollar than just rewarding points. You get valuable data and customer insights, access to members to promote your events and complete reward fulfillment services. All for just $1 per point!

Data and Customer Insights
Data is the new oxygen. Every business needs data to survive. When you use Pointricity you will get access to valuable customer behavioural data and insights that can grow a business. We act as your ‘data warehouse’ and provide you with useful insights to those customers whom interact with your event. It’s all included in the $1 per point.
Access To New Customers
When you create your events you can promote them to the entire Pointricity member base. Absolutely free. The more members who engage means the bigger audience for your event. We are constantly introducing your event to new customers with every new promotion you create. It’s all included in the $1 per point.

Rewards and Fulfillment
Pointricity takes care of all the details when your customer is ready to redeem their points for prizes. You don’t have to worry about anything. Pointricity manages all aspects of the redemption including the prizing, the fulfillment and the customer service. We take care of all the details so you don’t have to. It’s all included in the $1 per point.
IT’S A FACT: Creating Actions Will Help You Sell
Word-Of-Mouth Is Powerful

It’s a well known fact that word-of-mouth marketing works. Even more so in sales.
According to IDC 73% of executives prefer to work with sales professionals that referred. Referrals are powerful and get you ‘in the door’
Help increase the referrals with Pointricity. Reward clients with points when they refer you to others. Creating this easy to administer incentive will help you grow your business.
Out perform others and reach your sales goals by leveraging the power of Pointricity.
Get Data To Help You Sell

Data is the new oxygen. Without data it’s hard to survive.
Only 46% of sales reps feel they have enough insights about buyer intent to do their job. Yet 85% of sales people realize it’s important for their job.
When you use Pointricity you get access to valuable behavioural and demographic data. It’s all part of the service. This data helps you get a better idea of customer intent and helps you sell more!