Pointricity How To’s

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How To Register As A Pointricity Partner

Welcome to Pointricity! This tutorial will take you through how to register as a POINTRICITY PARTNER, allowing your business to reward points for actions that lead to business growth! The registration process should take 10 to 15 minutes.

How To Set Up Your Pointricity Partner Account

Now that you are registered you will need to set up a few things before you can start rewarding points including payment and uploading a logo.

How To Create A Pointricity Promotion

Eager to start using Pointricity? Great, you just need to create a promotion. This should take about 10 minutes.

How To Reward Points

Now that you have a promotion(s) set up it’s time to start engaging your customers and reward them points! This tutorial is done on a mobile device. While you can reward points from both a desktop, tablet or mobile phone, most often for in-person events we recommend a mobile device. It’s easier!

How To Add A Rep/Team Member

Sometimes these in-person promotions can get really busy and you need a little help. With Pointricity you can add Team Members (aka Reps) and assign them to each promotion. Once assigned these team members can assign points for that respective promotion.

Helpful Links

Now you have the Pointricity basics down you can get started. Remember we are always here to help if needed. You can send an email to info@pointricity.com.

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