You only pay for each point you reward. That’s it. No admin fees, no hidden costs. Each time you award a point your account is automatically charged $1. Have a budget? No problem. You can control the amount of points awarded in each promotion and can put limits on each promotion so you can control costs.
Once you sign up you will have access to your personalized dashboard. On your dashboard you will be able to view all your promotions, the number of customers who have participated, and the number of points you have awarded. You get the visibility and control you need to manage all your campaigns.
Pointricity takes care of helping you issue the point and all prize redemption. And the best part? There is no extra cost to you. It’s all included in the $1 you pay per point. Pointricity takes care of all the products including the delivery to your customer once they redeem. Don’t worry, we have you covered!